Sociedad de Neurocirugia Pediatrica

Sociedad de Neurocirugia Pediatrica


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16 de marzo de 2007

CARTOGRAFIANDO EL UNIVERSO (Link sugerido por Dr. Abraham Krivoy) Hey Colegas y amigos espero disfruten de este video donde se demuestra como una pantalla sensible al tacto cambiará la forma en que trabajamos con la computadora... Increíble verdad? . Saludos

15 de marzo de 2007

Extreme Lateral Approach in a Case of Acute-Onset Quadriplegia due to High Cervical Neurenteric Cyst Agrawal Abhishek, et al. – Spinal neurenteric cysts are very rare intradural developmental lesions, predominantly localized anterior to the cervical cord and arising from misplaced endodermal cells in the 3rd week of embryonic life. An acute onset of symptoms can occur due to hemorrhage, but has not as yet been reported in relation to infection in the cyst... Pediatric Neurosurgery, 03/05/07
Neuroendoscopic management of interhemispheric cysts in children Giuseppe Cinalli, M.D., et al. - Conclusions: Endoscopic treatment of interhemispheric cysts can be considered a useful alternative to traditional treatments, even if some complications are to be expected, such as subdural or subcutaneous CSF collections and CSF leaks due to thinness of cerebral mantle and to the often-associated multifactorial hydrocephalus... Neurosurgical Focus, 03/14/07
Interstitial iodine-125 radiosurgery alone or in combination with microsurgery for pediatric patients with eloquently located low-grade glioma: a pilot study Peraud, A., et al. - The optimal therapeutic management of children with World Health Organization grade I and II gliomas not accessible to complete resection is poorly defined...IRS alone or in combination with microsurgery (in the case of larger tumors) is a safe, effective, and minimally invasive treatment strategy for eloquently located pediatric low-grade gliomas and deserves further prospective evaluation... Child's Nervous System, 03/14/07
Multiple spinal extradural arachnoid cysts occurring in a child: case report Wihasto Suryaningtyas, M.D., et al. - Symptomatic multiple extradural arachnoid cysts of the spine are extremely uncommon in children and have only rarely been reported. The authors report a case of multiple extradural spinal arachnoid cysts in a 14-year-old child who presented with signs of spinal cord compression. The disease affected the thoracic spine and extended from T-5 to T-10 with an underlying defect in the dura of the spinal canal that was predisposed to the formation of cysts... Neurosurgical Focus, 03/14/07

13 de marzo de 2007

A sugerencia del Dr. Abraham Krivoy (Presidente de la Sociedad) les invita a visitar la pagina y participar en el Foro de Actualizaciones en medicina. Haciendo click en...
CYP450 y terapia cardiovascular ¿Qué sabe usted acerca de…? Siguiendo en esa misma tónica se hace la sugerencia de participar en un foro de discusiones sobre temas netamente neuroquirurgicos y asi intercambiar ideas.
Dr. Edgar Sotillo

12 de marzo de 2007

Hoy anexamos el link de Bitacora Médica donde se acaban de incluir dos artículos recientes de interés neuroquirurgico: EFNS guidelines on pharmacological treatment of neuropathic pain y Morphine, Gabapentin, or Their Combination for Neuropathic Pain, les invitamos a "abrir" la VENTANA NEUROQUIRURGICA y para aquellos neurocirujanos estresados o no, les recomendamos LA PAUSA QUE REFRESCA. Saludos Dr. Edgar Sotillo